The surgeon has just finished with Sawyer. He will be in recovery soon. The surgeon found that omentum was clogging his catheter and pulling it out of its proper position. The omentum was removed and the catheter was repositioned.
Looking forward to seeing and feeding our boy in a few minutes.
As I was hurrying through my day, I didn't realize how rough your day was today. My heart breaks for Sawyer and for you and Karen as you battle this 'beast' alongside Sawyer. There are no words except to say that I echo your prayer and everyone else's for "mercy, Lord - please, in your sweet name Jesus". I pray today has joy and peace in it somewhere that makes you smile and know He has not forgotten you."Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you" Is. 49:15.
Praise God surgery went well and I pray he now finds comfort. Tell him Kaylee & Devin constantly talk about him and pray for him MANY times a day!
Eat & rest well Sawyer:)
Kelly, Kaylee & Devin
AHBC in Gates, NC
So glad to hear surgery went well. Thank you God for hearing our prayers this morning. Will pray now everything else works like it should. Will pray that everyone will have a restful night.
Big Hugs, Sawyer.
Heidi and Katarine B.
I am so sorry guys, I was having posting problems and then ended up with 3 of the same message. I was the one who deleted the previous 2 messages. - Heidi B
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