Friday, September 30, 2011

Update 09/30/11

     Good news today…

     The heparin worked last night. Sawyer had no clogs in his catheter and no itching.   He will remain on a heparin regimen for a couple of days.

     Sawyer is now down to two blood pressure medicines!  His blood pressure has improved so much that he can do away with his patch.  We are so grateful!

     Sawyer still takes many different types of medicines and recently he has refused to take them.  It has been a huge fight morning and night to get him to cooperate.  One day it took two hours to get his meds into him.

     It's good that he is a fighter.  He needs to be for this challenge and all that lies ahead.  However, now it takes much more than a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. 

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