Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Sawyer turns FIVE years old this Sunday!

     He has requested an Angry Birds theme for his birthday party. I guess he'd like to take out a little frustration on some pigs.  Who could blame him? Plus, it's better to go after the pigs than his brothers!

     I heard through the rumor mill that Sawyer's CPC family was collecting birthday cards for him.  If you would like to send Sawyer a card, use this address:

     Sawyer DeBause
     c/o CPC
     1021 Eden Way N
     Suite 116
     Chesapeake, VA 23320
     I know I'm posting this late, but I just found out about the card campaign.  Don’t worry, he will not refuse any late birthday wishes.

Today's Update:

     Sawyer is still having a lot of pain.  This morning he had a horrible episode that was very intense.  Although he is still sore from the manipulation during the surgery, the doctor believes there is a gas bubble irritating his diaphragm and displacing the pain to his shoulders.  This is very common after surgery.  

     Karen is doing her best to get him active to disperse the gas but, the pain meds knock him out.  So, she gets him moving in between the naps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, thank you so much for the address!!!! That is so helpful. So glad to hear that Karen is able to get Sawyer moving around some. This is wonderful news. Raquel told me that she saw them today at bowling and I was so happy to hear that. Sometimes blessings come in small packages. We just have to remember to be just as thankful for them as we are the ones in big packages. Big Hugs to all!! Hang in there Sawyer, you're doing a great job!! :)