Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Transplant Day 2

4:30AM Yes, it's 4:30AM and Sawyer is playing with his new power ranger toys and watching TV!  He says he has no pain.  He wants to eat (he can't) 

Sawyer can not sit up all of the way and only has one arm available, but he's not letting that slow him down.

I'm exhausted, but so praising God right now. No way would I trade this moment for sleep.

3:40AM: Sawyer is doing unbelievably well.  He just woke up and requested to watch TV and open the presents we brought to him.  See him pictured above with his new Power Ranger Samurai sword. 

3:30AM: I was blessed to stay with Karen until she was ready to sleep again.

2:00AM: Went to check on my hero wife Karen. Karen is in great pain and nauseated.  I requested stronger doses of pain medication.  The nurse said "yes" and gave Karen nausea med too.  The nurse said she was using a medication stronger than morphine.  Try convinincing Karen. 

1:30AM: I am in awe of the turnaround in Sawyer's stats. His new kidney is working GREAT!!!! So grateful to get good news every time a test comes back.

Last night at this time I was so miserable I could not sleep. Tonight I am so elated I can not sleep.


Todd said...

Glad your doing well, you rock,,,,hope to see you playing soccer again soon.......Todd

susan Curles said...

Praise GOD Praise God. What wonderful news to awaken to. Love Susan

Virginia said...

My heart leaps at it reads every new update! So glad that God continues to show His faithfulness and love for us. Will pray for comfort for Karen and continued good news from Sawyer.


Anonymous said...

God is good... I went to her room this morning and said a little prayer...the door was closed so I didn't go in...will check back on my break

Unknown said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!!! That is such great news!

Anonymous said...

Praying and believing with your family through this journey. As I read your blog tears stream down my face. God is so faithful. What an amazing testimony your family is. What a brave and amazing family. I am excited to read all the wonderful news that is to come.

Anonymous said...

Praise God for all that he's doing! Although my family and I don't know you personally we are apart of the homeschool community. We will continue to pray for complete healing!

Anonymous said...

Toby, though your words are so amazingly comforting to read, just the simple but happy look on little Sawyers face shows the love of God written all over it. Still praying for your family's recovery. What a miraculous new life for Sawyer.

Lori West :) said...

YAY! So glad for the good reports. Praying Karen's feeling better today!

Praying you get some sleep!! :) If not - then accept God's supernatural strength and energy for today! He has it for you - just tell him you accept it! He's given it to me and to a couple of my kids over the years . . . totally supernatural - like we had slept 8 hours or more! :) Yay God!
Love you guys!! Continuing to pray for no pain and a quick and full recovery!!


Anonymous said...

Praise GOD! What wonderful news!

Sing for joy in the LORD, O you righteous ones; Praise is becoming to the upright. Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre; sing praises to Him with a harp of ten strings ...

Psalm 33:1-3.

Tim and Jen said...

We are praising Him with you, Toby!!! It was a true blessing to see you yesterday and be able to pray with you. We will continue to pray for God's peace and healing!

Carrie said...
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Carrie said...

AMAZING, is all that comes to mind right now. In awe of God's hand in all of this. Please know that we are praying for you all. Gentle hugs to Sawyer and Ms Karen!!! God Bless and thank you so much for shaing your story with us!

Carrie Smith

Tammie Williams said...

You don't know me but I am a christian sister in Atlanta. Yhe word says whenever two or more are gather in my name I am there. He is there with Sawyer and mom. God bless you and yours. In His Name, Tammie williams

JJ said...

Praying for your pain to ease up, Karen! And, we are rejoicing that Sawyer is doing so well! Hopefully the pain med's have kicked in by now. It can only get better from here, right? (With God's help, anyway.) :D

sandi said...

praise God from whom all blessings flow!

so thankful for the updates and how well sawyer is doing. praying that karen's pain will cease soon. God will do great things!

Anonymous said...

I am overjoyed to hear how well he is doing; Karen I know you are experiencing tremendous pain but I'm sure you are elated to hear how well your son is doing!!! I would absolutely do the same if I were in your position!! Smiles in North Carolina!! Hang in there

Anonymous said...

Praying in TN for your family. God wil see you through!